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This Policy describes what cookies are and how and why they are used by our website ("Site"). This Policy also explains how you can manage your cookie preferences.

What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device (e.g. computer, smartphone, tablet) when you visit a website.
They are used to remember your preferences and activities on the Site.
How and why we use cookies?
We use cookies on the Site to store session data for the Cognito user pool using AWS's Amplify library.
This includes storing access tokens, id tokens, and other necessary OAuth tokens.
These cookies are used solely for the purpose of authenticating and authorizing your session on the Site and are not used for any other purpose.
Types of cookies we use
We use the following types of cookies on the Site:
Session cookies These cookies are used to store session data for the Cognito user pool using AWS's Amplify library. They are necessary for the Site to function properly and are deleted when you close your browser.
Managing your cookie preferences
We use the following types of cookies on the Site:
You can manage your cookie preferences by adjusting the settings in your browser.
You can choose to block or disable cookies.
Please note that if you block or disable cookies, some parts of the Site may not function properly.
Changes to this Policy
We may update this Policy from time to time.
Any changes will be posted on the Site and will be effective as soon as they are posted.
Contact us
If you have any questions about this Policy or our use of cookies, please contact us through the contact form
Any changes will be posted on the Site and will be effective as soon as they are posted.
Last update 27 April 2023