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Get paid to share TheDoctor reels, shorts, and content on YOUR social media!

Author : knackers85
Published : 09/16/2024


* Instagram: Reels

* YouTube: Shorts

* Twitter: Shorts

* TikTok: Shorts (Note - do this at your own risk, TikTok does not support gambling related content & you may receive warnings or even have your profile closed)


See below details on how to participate.


1st $2,700 USD

2nd $1,900 USD

3rd $1,450 USD

4th $1,000 USD

5th $750 USD

6th $500 USD

7th $250 USD

8th $150 USD

9th $100 USD

10th $100 USD


The channel is used to register your personal social media i.e. Instagram, YouTube, Twitter

/register <social username>

The bot will then generate a code specific to you to add to your respective social bio to enable a linkage between you & the platform.

Upload a Reel or Short to your personal social media platform from the Google Drive OR simply download a clip from Instagram to your PC/Phone this will save to your photos & can then be uploaded to your social platform.

Come back to VIDS-POSTED in Discord with your clip URL and submit using the following command.

/submit <add link (URL)>

That’s it you have submitted

/removevideo <add link (URL)> - Use this comment in VIDS-POSTED to remove a video you have submitted.


/submitbulk - Use this command in VIDS-POSTED to submit bulk videos (Starlet will DM you with instructions on how to submit in bulk)

/add - Use this command in REGI to add extra social media accounts

/removeusername <enter username> - Use this command in REGI to remove your account

/stats - Use this commend in MAIN CHAT to check your stats

/leaderboards - Use this command in MAIN CHAT to view the current leaderboard

/serverstats - Use this command in MAIN CHAT to check the Starlet details

Use this chat to run commands to check your progress for the month & see where you are tracking against other users. This chat is also for any questions relating to Starlet 

If you require additional assistance please open a


* Must use content provided by TheDoctor team from the Google Drive.

* Videos must have comments AND contain the hashtags #thedoctor & #thedoctorsocial. Optional: #thedoctorislegit #stream #gambling #fun (other related hashtags permitted).

* Must be organic views! No use of bots or purchasing of artificial engagement (buying likes or views is strictly prohibited).

* Must be Super Confirmed in Discord to participate.

* All tips via Gamdom, pending checks.

* New social accounts may be made for sharing TheDoc's clips specifically, for example (Thedoctorclips, thedoctorwins, thedoctorwins2) These accounts may be linked to the STARLET bot but MAY NOT be linked to your discord account.

* No new DISCORD accounts are to be made for extra entries, extra socials etc.

* Sharing to groups & sharing anywhere that grows your videos organically & legitimately is also allowed, these will be checked & if the views are not legit action will be taken.

* You are also allowed to post as many times as you want on these social media channels, to grow, even if it is the same video over & over hoping to get one to blow up we are happy for you to give that one a try.

* Any questions you are not sure of that aren't included in the rules please create a support ticket as mentioned above & don't proceed unless approved/confirmed with our Support Team if you are unsure.

* Anyone found breaking the rules will be void of any potential winnings & banned permanently from The Doctor’s Discord & all related social media!